The Ruins of Cesna or "Fuentes Viejas", the ancient village of Fuentes de Cesna, nestled under the slopes of a long stone and overlooking the Iznajar reservoir and the confluence of the provinces of Cordoba, Granada and Malaga. It has important elements of natural, historical and ethnological interest.
There are still three births or sources that give name to the village "Fuente de la Plaza, Fuente de Enmedio and Fuente del Caño".
From this park there is a view towards the Castle of Cesna Castle of Cesna. Its origin predates the Muslim period. According to the latest studies, this castle would be the place where Abderramán I resided before leading the coup in Cordoba that led him to rule the new independent state of Al-Andalus. In spite of this, in the year 921 was partially collapsed by Abderramán III (initiator of the religious independence of Al-Andalus) before the refusal of the Mozarabic Christian inhabitants of the fortress to abandon it. Nevertheless, during the clashes between Castile and the Kingdom of Granada would return again to scene, because it would be the place of capture of Boabdil in Batalla de Lucena.